'The Pilot's Hearse' a 'Before the Flood' preview is included in Wednesday's Doctor Who roundup
Today's best Whovian links...
The pilot's hearse - Before the Flood: Preview - Doctor Who: Series 9 Episode 4 (2015) - BBC Want to be in Doctor Who? Patrick Ness says he can sort that* for you! Take a closer look at Doctor Who's seriously scary new monster... Q&A with Cherry Wallis - Doctor Who: The Fan Show Magician's Apprentice - Online Viewing Mark Gatiss On Who The Next Doctor Who COULD Be... Behind the scenes the TARDIS interior Doctor Who: 7 Ways Clara Could Die Dalek Exploding In Slow Motion - Doctor Who Festival We love this production artwork for the sea monster mural seen in The Drum. ...Bet the red shirt won't last long! #DoctorWho #DrWho #whovian #fandom #BehindTheScenes #BTS BioDoctor900's Prop Tutorials - 11th Doctor Lash Up Device & Time Lord Confession Dial Doctor Who Cast: Where Are They Now? Interview with Nicola Bryant A.K.A Peri Brown from Classic Doctor Who 10-year-old Doctor Who blogger will visit No Man's Fort as part of location tour - Team Locals
Whovian Reviews
Under The Lake Reactions - Doctor Who: The Fan Show Doctor Who News - Reviews: The Twelfth Doctor's Sonic Screwdriver Doctor Who series 9: Before The Flood spoiler-free review
Whovian Events
Doctor Who writer Bob Baker signing at Cardiff's Comic Guru this weekend
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Outside the TARDIS
Jenna Coleman dazzles in floor-length maxi dress at BFI dinner Karen Gillan's freaking out in a new Fun Size horror film Brian Blessed delivered a baby in Richmond Park: I bit through the umbilical cord then licked its face Katherine Jenkins steps out with daughter Aaliyah for first time
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Doctor Who: The Eye Of Torment (UK Edition) Doctor Who: Fourth Doctor Short Scarf Doctor Who: Fourth Doctor Knitted Tie