With the sad demise of Clara and the 52nd birthday of the show (gads I feel old) in the news today, here's a mixed bag of the best links in the Whoniverse....
Jenna's favourite episodes - Doctor Who: Series 9 (2015) - BBC Doctor Who boss defends Clara Oswald death Production Artwork - Face the Raven: Production Artwork - Face the Raven, Series 9, Doctor Who - BBC One 'Doctor Who': 10 Things You May Not Know About 'Face the Raven' The making of Face the Raven - Face the Raven: Behind the Scenes - Face the Raven, Series 9, Doctor Who - BBC One Peter Capaldi: 'I thought Clara would be able to return to Doctor Who' Happy Doctor Who Day from Peter Capaldi!, Doctor Who - BBC One Doctor Who: 52 Years of Broadcasting Steven Moffat finally reveals why John Hurt replaced Christopher Eccleston in the Doctor Who 50th anniversary special
Whovian Reviews
Whoogle's Episode Roundup: 'Face the Raven' Roundup The Blog of Delights: UNIT - Extinction
Whovian Events
Petrie Film Club presents: Celebrating Sutekh: 40 Years of Pyramids of Mars
Whoogle's Whovian Miscellany
@SciFiExpo: The Face of Maxil After Doctor Who's Clara Oswald's shock exit, we look at the top 10 companions of all time Hello, I'm the Doctor In Defence of... Doctor Who in the 1980s Weekly Challenge: Create a maze game!
Doctor Who Podcasts
WhoPods on Flipboard
Doctor Who Product News
Doctor Who - The War Doctor 1: Only the Monstrous Clip by big-finish Doctor Who: The Waters Of Amsterdam - Trailer by big-finish
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Spoilers and Speculations (read at your own risk)
'Doctor Who' and the Doctor's destination: Could it be...?
Doctor Who left viewers in an emotional place last week, but amidst all the angst there's a fact that we need to explore-where is the Doctor going? Given what happened to Clara last episode, it is easy to lose track of the other major plot point.
Outside the TARDIS
Doctor Who cleared by Ofcom over 'insenstive' airliner scene
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