Steven Moffat's teaser and living in a Zygon State, included in Friday's Doctor Who Roundup
Today's best bits from the Whoniverse...
Steven Moffat's teaser to The Zygon Inversion - Doctor Who: Series 9 Episode 8 (2015) - BBC Tips for living in a Zygon State Q&A with Kezia Newson - Doctor Who: The Fan Show TARDIS surprise for Mini Matt Smith (The Dream Tardis) Moments in Time - Farewell Vicki Why does the Time Vortex change? 15 of the best UNIT characters in 'Doctor Who' - CultBox Amy Pond Doctor Who 'pawn in Saturday night warfare', warns Peter Capaldi - Doctor Who quiz: Famous last words - which Doctor said it? Patrick Ness has written a "gross and evil and disgusting" scene for Doctor Who spin-off Class
Whovian Reviews
New Adventures With The Tenth Doctor #10 - Echo Torchwood: The Conspiracy by David Llewellyn (CD review)
Whovian Events
Peter Capaldi on Cosplay, Companions & Costumes - Doctor Who Festival DOCTOR WHO FESTIVAL
Doctor Who Podcasts
WhoPods on Flipboard
Doctor Who Product News
Watch us build the Doctor Who Lego Tardis set in less than three minutes The Eighth Doctor Has His Own Doctor Who Comic Now, And It's Suitably Wonderful What does BBC Store offer to Doctor Who fans?
Outside the TARDIS
Peter Capaldi Undergoes Knee Surgery
Little Shop
Doctor Who: Deluxe Action Figure: 11th Doctor Series 7 Doctor Who: Ten Christmas Specials: Collector's Edition Doctor Who: Ten Christmas Specials: Collector's Edition (Blu-Ray/DVD)